Friday, January 29, 2016

Update 29th January

Catholic Schools Week 2016
The theme of Catholic Schools Week this year is  Challenged to Proclaim God’s Mercy.
Prayer For Catholic Schools Week :
Dear God,
Help us to be open to the challenge of proclaiming your mercy in the modern world. Guide our school to be rooted in your example. Open our hearts to reflect yourloving mercy in all we do, and inspire us to be brave in answering the call to ‘proclaim your mercy’. As we journey through this week, strengthen us to reignite the Catholic ethos upon which our school was formed. Amen

7.30 p.m. :  Michael Brennan, Maura Clarke, Mary Clifford, Alan Deane
9:30 a.m.  : Teresa Sweeney, Kathleen Brennan, Andrew Carr
11:30 a.m. :  Francis Walsh, Marie Wynne, Teresa Carty, Kathleen Candon

7.30 p.m. :   Michael Gilmartin
9:30 a.m. :   Bernie Kemple
11.30a.m. :   Noel Kennedy

February Feast Days:
Monday 1st February: Feast of St. Bridget
Tuesday 2nd February: The Presentation of the Lord also Candlemas.
Wednesday 3rd February: Feast of St. Blaise. Blessing of Throats after all Masses.
Please note: There will be Mass at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday evening.

First Friday:
Friday 5th February is the First Friday of the month.

Confessions before all Masses.

Communion Calls:
Fr. Gerry will make his Communion Calls on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th February
Fr. John will make his Communion Calls on Tuesday 9th February.

SHOUT (Sligo Hospital Oncology Trust):
A Church Gate collection in Aid of S.H.O.U.T will be held after all Masses next weekend February 6th and 7th. Anyone willing to help out with the collection please contact Mary Regan on 071-9663544. Your support would be appreciated.

Grange National School:
Grange National School will celebrate Grandparents' Day on Wednesday 3rd February. All grandparents are welcome to visit the school from 11.15 am to 12.30 pm.

Offertory Collection amounted to €2581.79 on Sunday 24th January.

Masses will be offered as follows:
Monday 10.00 a.m. Packie Simon
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Bertie and James Wynne
Wednesday 10.00a.m.
7.30p.m. Paddy O’ Rourke
Feast of St. Blaise
Thursday 10.00a.m. Darragh  Dooley
Friday 10.00a.m.
7.30p.m. John and Kathleen Tansey, J.P. and Bina McCormack, Attracta Jones, Jimmy and Winifred Egan, Pax McLoughlin, Pat and Rita Killalea
Saturday 10.00a.m. Eamon Downes (Months Mind)
Vigil 7.30p.m. Tom and Mary Supple and The Deceased Family Members
Sunday 9.30a.m. People of the Parish
11.30a.m. Brendan and Moira Sheerin

Brothers of Charity
Brothers of Charity are looking for people to train as Support Workers on their Community Employment scheme. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to re-enter the workplace whilst doing very worthwhile work in the community.
Eligibility criteria applies. Please call 087 145 6587 for more details.

South Leitrim Cancer Support Group:
South Leitrim Cancer Support Group meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 8p.m. in St. Georges Heritage Centre, Carrick on Shannon. Serving South Leitrim and North Roscommon. Everyone with a cancer diagnosis and family members are welcome. For further information please contact Sligo Cancer Centre on 071-9170433.

Boyle GAA Club
Registration Evening next Thursday evening
February 4th from 7.00pm - 9.30pm in Boyle GAA Clubrooms. This registration
is for U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 & U18 boys.  Cost of registration for U8's &
U10's is €40. Cost for all other ages is €50. If you are registering for the first time, please bring your Birth Certificate (Long version if possible).

Fresh Start
Fresh Start is a GRETB funded training course for people who wish to explore their work options and update or develop new skills.  It is particularly suited to persons on a social welfare allowance with short or long term health difficulties. If you wish to enquire about the course please contact Regina or Caroline at National Learning Network Castlerea on 094 962 0374.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Update 22nd January

Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21
Jesus was filled with the Spirit and sent. He came bursting with a message to communicate. When have you had the experience of being enthused by something in that way? Who have been the people you met who had that kind of enthusiasm?
The message Jesus had was one of liberation and he told his listeners that it was being fulfilled even as they listened. When have you had a NOW moment of liberation? When has Bible reading been an experience of liberation for you?
His message was addressed to those who were poor, oppressed, blind or captives. Who are these today? In what ways have I been, or am I, among these? How has the message of Jesus been good news for you, freed you, given you new sight, or revealed God’s favour to you?                          (John Byrne osa)

  7.30 p.m. : Breege Mulryan, Geraldine Mc Dermottroe, Martin Purcell, Pat Taylor
  9:30 a.m.  : Sean McKeon, Miriam McGee, Ciaran O’ Connor
11:30 a.m. :   Pamela Nutley, Mary Regan, Brian Scanlon, Keith Suffin

   7.30 p.m. :    Theresa Feeney
   9:30 a.m  :    Kathleen Hanmore
 11.30a.m. :     Sr. Mary Devine

New Church Choir
Singers Invited To Join: We are pleased to announce that we are working with a group of local musicians and singers to form a new Church Choir. The choir will rehearse weekly in the church from 8pm to 9.15pm commencing Tuesday 2nd February. It is intended that the choir will sing for the Easter Ceremonies at the Vigil Mass on Saturday 26th March and on the 4th Sunday of the month thereafter. We are looking for sopranos, altos, tenors and basses who can commit to weekly rehearsals and monthly masses. First rehearsal Tuesday 2nd February 8pm in St Joseph's Church.

Chaplet of Devine Mercy prayed in St. Joseph’s after 10a.m. Mass every day throughout the year.

Thank You: 
The Boyle Conference of St. Vincent de Paul express their sincere gratitude to everyone who generously contributed to their Annual Appeal and to the generous donations received throughout the year. The St. Vincent de Paul contact number is 087 9292627. 
Eucharistic Adoration: 
Under the auspices of the Diocese of Elphin a project team is being set up to expand and develop the practice of Eucharistic Adoration in every Parish of the Diocese. Information meeting will be held on Saturday 30th January in Abbey Community College. Registration from 10a.m.

Daily Mass offerings
Monday 10.00 a.m. Kathleen Egan
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Maureen McGarry (1st Anniversary)
Wednesday 10.00a.m. Molly Brennan
Thursday 10.00a.m. Martin and Mary Ann Mostyn
7.30p.m. Peg Needhan , Tom and Margaret McGrath, Maureen Bushell, Peter and Annie Keegan, Cora and Eamon Cox, Padraig and Kitty Cox, Mary Mulhern, Dermot Harrington, John and Elizabeth Carty, Paddy and Norrie O’Grady
Saturday 10.00a.m. Florrie Lavin (Months Mind)
Vigil 7.30p.m. Johnny and Ethel Beirne and Eva Regan
Sunday   9.30a.m. People of the Parish
11.30a.m. Tim and David Lynch

Flower Altar Society:
Flower Altar Society are looking for new members to do even one or two months per year. If you are willing to help out please leave your name into the Sacristy.

Grange National School
If you are interested in enrolling your child in our School for the 2016/17 school year, please contact us for an enrolment pack on 071 9663423 or by email at  The closing date is Friday, 12th February 2016.  Also you can check out our blog for more information on

St. Joseph's B.N.S., Enrolment :
St. Joseph's B.N.S., Enrolment Forms for 2016/2017 school year will be available from the school office from Monday 25th January 2016.
Completed enrolment forms must be returned to St. Joseph’s B.N.S. on or before Friday 5th February 2016.

Scoil na nAingeal Naofa
Now enrolling until 12th February for the academic year 2016/2017. Application forms and details available at the school.  
Contact for further information 071-9662737
The Priory Institute:
‘Theology Matters ‘ Join the great student community and study theology from home. Application deadline is 22nd February 2016. 
Phone for further details on 01-4048124.

Offertory Collection amounted to €2398.72 on Sunday 17th January. Thank you.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Update 18th January

John 2:1-11
The story is a story of abundance, the abundance of the blessings God gives us. 
How have you been aware of the abundance of God’s blessings? 
Let the memories lead you to prayer of thanks and praise for the times in your life when that joy and fulfilment have been very real to you. John uses a number of images (marriage, wine, feast, etc.) to symbolise the abundance of God’s love. 
What are your favourite images of the abundance of God’s love and blessings? The hour of Jesus had not yet come when the glory of God would be fully revealed, yet even so something of the glory of God was revealed in the sign that took place. For us also the revelation of the full glory of God lies in the future, but we do get glimpses along the way. Recall some of the signs that have revealed to you something of the glory of God, e.g., nature, art, friendship, etc. Mary/Jesus. It is interesting to note that despite the apparent rebuff, Mary is the first person in the narrative to show (at the level of the action of the story) that the correct response to the presence of Jesus is to trust in him. When have you trusted in the word of Jesus like that? What relationships do you have that you can trust like that? Do you recall times when your trust was rewarded even when you had been initially disappointed?                         (John Byrne Osa)

7.30 p.m : Mary Clifford, Alan Deane, Bridie Farrell, Pat Gannon
9.30 a.m.: Noney Lavin, Mary Lavin, Aidan Lavin
11:30 a.m. : Mary Martin, Eamon Mullen, Betty McDermott, Nora McDonagh

7.30 p.m.: Children’s Mass
9.30 a.m:  Peggy Feely
11.30a.m.: Donal J. Farrell

Welcome Fr. Stephen Ezenwegbu
We welcome Fr. Stephen Ezenwegbu from Nigeria who has been studying in Ireland for the last number of years. Fr. Stephen is here in Boyle for a few months learning about life in the Diocese of Elphin. Fr. Stephen will be preparing for his driving test and doing work for Bishop Kevin.

New Church Choir - Singers Invited To Join:
We are pleased to announce that we are working with a group of local musicians and singers to form a new Church Choir. The choir will rehearse weekly in the church from 8pm to 9.15pm commencing Tuesday 2nd February. It is intended that the choir will sing for the Easter Ceremonies at the Vigil Mass on Saturday 26th March and on the 4th Sunday of the month thereafter. We are looking for sopranos, altos, tenors and basses who can commit to weekly rehearsals and monthly masses. First rehearsal Tuesday 2nd February 8pm in St Joseph's Church.

Chaplet of Devine Mercy prayed in St. Joseph’s after 10a.m. Mass every day throughout the year.

Masses will be offered
Monday 10.00 a.m. Michael and Bernard Lavin
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. ...
Wednesday 10.00a.m. ...
Thursday 10.00a.m. Jimmy Mc Tiernan and The  Deceased  Family Members
Friday 10.00a.m....
Friday 7.30p.m. Elizabeth McKeon and The Deceased Family Members, Seamus and Ursula Beirne, Nellie and Tom McDermott, Peter and Nora McDermott, Mary Jane, Johnny and Padraig O’Gara, Regina and John Spellman, Michael and Lena Keaveney and The Deceased Family Members
Saturday 10.00a.m. Angela Quinn (Months Mind)
Saturday Vigil 7.30p.m. Lucy Garvin
Sunday 9.30a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday 11.30a.m. Dermot Harrington

Boyle Community Games AGM:
Thursday 21st January at 8.30 pm in Boyle GAA Clubhouse. We would ask that as many parents as possible could attend. We are looking for new committee members this year to assist with running the games and ensuring that the games can continue in Boyle. We have a strong and proud history of success in the Community Games and all assistance would be of great benefit to all the children who participate every year. We will be shortly registering for events for 2016, so along with the regular events we would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in other events including swimming, gymnastics, cycling, model making, badminton, chess, draughts, handball, group singing, pitch and putt, table tennis, group dance, group comedy and drama.We look forward to welcoming new volunteers.

Groundbreaking documentary informing women of a natural alternative to infertility treatment. Wednesday 20th January at 02:00, 08:00, 21:00

Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at 8p.m. in the Committee Room.

Free Introductory Taster Class on Thursday 21st January from 10 to 11a.m. and Friday 22nd January from 7 to 8p.m in St. Joseph’s Resource Centre. Absolute beginners to advanced. Follow on Classes €10 per session or 6 sessions €50. Contact Linda on 0877866866.

Offertory Collection amounted to €2,353.29 on Sunday 10th January. Thank you.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Update 8th January

Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
The people were searching and John pointed them in the direction of Jesus. On your life’s journey who have been the John the Baptist people for you, people who have pointed you in the right direction?
The Baptism of Jesus was a very special moment for him that affirmed him in his identity as Son of God and in his mission. Recall the experiences that affirmed you – either in your sense of who you are, or in relation to the direction you were taking in life.
The Baptism of Jesus marks a transition point in his life, and the start of his public ministry. Recall the transition points in your own life. 
Where did you see the grace of God at work in those times?
This experience of Jesus occurred when he was at prayer. What part has prayer played in opening you to being aware of God in your life? What part has prayer played in helping you through a transition point in your life?
(John Byrne osa)

   7.30 p.m. :  Martin Purcell, Pat Taylor, Michael Brennan, Maura Clarke
   9:30 a.m. :  Pauline Feely, Carmel Keenan, Catherine Davitt
11.30a.m.  :   Kathleen Cregg, Martin Dolan, Marie Kennedy, Ita Lohan
New Eucharistic Rota available from the Sacristy
  7. 30 p.m.  :  Gabriel Lavin
  9:30 a.m.  :   Michael Chapman
11:30 a.m. :    Noel Scally
Parish Pastoral Council:
A meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will be held on Tuesday 12th January at 8p.m. in St. Joseph’s Resource Centre. 
A Word Of Appreciation:  As we come to the end of the Christmas Season we look back in appreciation of all who helped  to make Christmas special. To the young people  who led us in reflection. Thanks to all who helped to make St. Joseph’s warm and welcoming. To Mary for the Advent Wreath and to all the team who decorated the Church so beautifully (Thanks to all the new people who joined us this year). To all who worked on the Crib—erecting, creating—lighting.  A big thanks to the Folk Group, Boyle Musical Society, Altar Society, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and Servers. 
Finally, thanks to Frank, Damien and to Padraig in the Sacristy.
Thank You: Many thanks for your generous contributions to the Christmas Collection which goes towards the support of the Priests in the Parish.
Social Hour: Parishioners are invited to come along to St. Joseph’s Resource Centre for tea and a chat on Friday 15th January at 10.30a.m. and every 
Friday morning thereafter.

Monday 10.00 a.m. Dick and Maureen Heeran
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Thomas Connolly
Wednesday 10.00a.m. Christina King
Thursday 10.00a.m. The Deceased Members of the O’Mara and 
Waters Family
7.30p.m. Jim Duffy

Paddy and Peggy Shanley
Saturday 10.00a.m. John Egan (Months Mind)
Vigil 7.30p.m. Una and Henry Feely
Sunday      9.30a.m. People of the Parish
11.30a.m. Liam O’ Callaghan

Fr John Cunningham O.P will give a talk on the early Christian martyrs in the St. Joseph’s Resourse Centre on Tuesday 12th January at 8pm .The talk will be followed by a discussion with Q&A session .Everybody welcome 
Eucharistic Adoration:
The Diocese of Elphin is setting up a diocesan lay team in order to promote, expand and consolidate Eucharistic Adoration throughout the Diocese. 
There will be a special information meeting on Saturday 30th January 2016 at 11a.m. in Abbey Community College. Registration from 10a.m. 
Divine Mercy Conference - Dublin
The Divine Mercy Conference will take place at the RDS, Dublin from 19th – 21st February. Tickets €35.00 for full weekend 
Marriage Encounter - Athlone:
Marriage Encounter will host a weekend for married couples  at the Creggan Court Hotel, Athlone from 26th to 28th February. For more info visit  or call 087-784 0408 for a brochure.
The Roscommon Underwater Search and Recovery Unit: will hold its Annual Church Gate Collection on next weekend January 16th / 17th. 
All monies collected will be used for the maintenance of the unit.
Yoga Classes: commence on Tuesday 19th January in The Convent Primary School, Carrick Road. Classes for ladies at 7.30p.m. and classes for men at 9p.m. Beginner's welcome. Please bring a mat a rug. 
.For further details please contact Liz on 086-8690804.
Offertory Collection amounted to €2898.83 on Sunday 3rd January.