Monday, June 29, 2015

Update 28th June


Sunday Mass Times
7:30pm Vigil of  Sunday & Eve of Holy Day
9:30am & 11:30am Sunday & Holy Days
Weekday Mass Times
Monday To Saturday 10:00am
Friday evenings only 7:30pm


Sundays at 12:30pm (two weeks notice required)
Application forms available from Sacristy

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 10:25am. to 11:00am & 7:00pm to 7:20pm
First Friday before all Masses

Minimum 3 Months Notice

Parish Contact Numbers
Rev.Gerry Hanly P.P. 071 966 2218
Rev.John Coughlan C.C. 071 966 2012
Parish Office & Sacristy 071 966 2643 - 9:30am to 12:30pm.
24hr Emergency Number 086 826 2643
Parish e:mail

Deadline for Newsletter notices is 12.00 pm Thursday.
All notices to be left in to the Parish Office located at the Sacristy.


Thought: Made for Life:
Every day we have life and death in our hands, in a manner of speaking. We can raise up, or bring down.  We can praise, or criticise. We can work with , or plot against. We can bring joy, or instil fear. We can have people love us, or hate us. The choice is ours. Temperament has a lot to do with this, but not everything.Much depends on our awareness and our generosity.
Somebody once remarked that since we have to look someway it might as well be happy. So too, since we have to speak someway it might as well be positively.There is so much gloom and doom around at times, you’d wonder if we really realise in whose image and likeness we’re made: the God of life and creativity.
(Fr. Tom Cahill SVD)

Words from Pope Francis on Consecrated Life:
Pope Francis urges a restless search, like that of Augustine of Hippo, a "restlessness of heart that led him to a personal encounter with Christ, leads us to understand that the God he was looking for outside of himself is the very God who is near to everybody, the God close to our heart, nearer to us than our own selves."

Eucharistic Ministers For 4th / 5th July:
7. 30p.m. :   Mary Clifford, Alan Deane, Jimmy Dwyer, Bridie Farrell
9. 30a.m. :   Miriam McGee, Laura Tighe, Ciaran O’ Connor 
11. 30a.m. :  Mary Regan, Terry Rooney, Brian Scanlon, Francis Walsh

 7.30p.m:      Michael Gilmartin
 9:30 a.m. :   Peggy Feely
11.30a.m. :   Dermot Devine
First Friday:
Friday 3rd July is the First Friday of the month. Confessions before all Masses.

Communion Calls:
Fr. Gerry will made his Communion Calls on Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd July.
Fr. John will make his Communion Calls on Friday 3rd July.

Cemetery Sunday:
There will be Mass and Blessing of Graves on today Sunday 28th June in Assylinn (Old) Graveyard at 3p.m. This is an opportunity to gather together and to remember our dead and also to renew our own faith in resurrection.

Mission Awareness:

A member of the Divine World Missionaries will be visiting Boyle Parish next weekend July 4th and 5th. The purpose of the visit is to promote Mission Awareness and also to accept any donations people are willing to give.


Masses this week
Monday: 10.00a.m. John P. Murray (1st Anniversary)
Tuesday: 10.00a.m. Christopher Feely
Wednesday: 10.00a.m. Peggy and Pat Mulrennan
Thursday: 10.00a.m. P.J. Cunningham and Audrey Boyden
Friday: 10.00a.m.
Friday: 7.30p.m. James, Francis and Nora Beirne, Michael Roddy, Tom and Bridie Rushe
Saturday: 10.00a.m.
Saturday Vigil: 7.30p.m. Betty Martin (1st Anniversary) Hugh Martin
Sunday:  9.30a.m. People of the ParishSunday: 11.30a.m. Paddy and Molly Mullaney

Laudato Si’ – Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter:
Bishop Kevin encourages all to read Pope Francis Enclyclical Letter, ‘Laudato Si’.  There is a brief summary as well as the full text on 

Church Gate Collection:
The Annual Church Gate Collection on behalf of the Elphin Diocesan Lourdes Assisted Pilgrimage Fund will be taken up after all masses on this weekend June 27th / 28th 2015. Your support would be appreciated.

IF SO NLN can HELP YOU with obtaining work experience, C.V and career preparation skills while gaining QQI (FETAC) awards. Transition is a FREE 18 month GRETB programme open to people in receipt of a Social Welfare Payment. For further information contact Deirdre or Caroline, National Learning Network 094 962 0374 or 086 021 7534.

Pope Francis in his own words:
The idea of infinite or unlimited growth’ is ‘based on the lie that there is an infinite supply of the earth’s goods’ and this leads to the planet being squeezed dry at every limit.’

Offertory Collection amounted to €2478.53 on Sunday 21st June.


Family Life Centre, Boyle
Phone 071 9663000 - Charity No: 6942

COMMON SENSE PARENTING :This is a skill-based parenting programme that teaches parents practical and effective ways to increase their children’s positive behaviour, decrease negative behaviours and teach children appropriate alternative behaviours. For more information or to register your interest please contact  the Family Life Centre on 0719663000. 
New 6 week course starting in September starting Tuesday 15th September 10am
Wednesday 16th September  7.30pm.
Venue: Boyle Youth & Family Support (Boyle NYP).
Cost: €15 (to cover the cost of the book).
SUPPORT FOR THE SUICIDE BEREAVED :Suicide is devastating; its suddenness can  leave many unanswered questions. One to one and group support available.  Please contact the Centre for more information.

WIDOWS & WIDOWERS SUPPORT GROUP: This is a support group for those who have been bereaved by the death of their spouse.
Every Second Thursday of the month.  No booking necessary. Cost: Donation.
For more information please contact the Centre.

COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY : Appointments available Monday to Friday, day and evening.  The cost is on a sliding scale and is negotiable.
Please contact Marie on 0719663000 or Maura on 0719663841.
All our programmes and services are confidential and professional.

SUMMER CLEAROUT!: There is a clothing bank outside the Family Life Centre, Boyle which accepts old clothes and bed linen, handbags, and shoes which are sent for recycling. 
Your support and donations would be very much appreciated as this helps
raise funds towards the Centres programmes and community work.

The Family & Community Resource Centre, (Family Life Centre, Boyle) offer
a wide range of office and administration services at affordable rates. 
If you require a large amount of photocopying/office services please call in
advance to ensure availability.

Parent / Carer & Toddler group every Tuesday and Thursday morning from
10am – 12.30pm.  Cost: Donation.  Childsplay continues throughout the summer.

Here you will find an extensive library of books and CDs covering topics such as
Parenting, Personal Growth, Relationship Care, Spirituality, Self Help
and General Issues.  There is also a Coffee Dock where you can help yourself
to Teas/Coffees.  You are welcome to use this room as time out for yourself,
a waiting space for a bus/lift, to browse the library and/or get a cuppa.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Update 21st June


Sunday Mass Times
7:30pm Vigil of  Sunday & Eve of Holy Day
9:30am & 11:30am Sunday & Holy Days
Weekday Mass Times
Monday To Saturday 10:00am
Friday evenings only 7:30pm


Sundays at 12:30pm (two weeks notice required)
Application forms available from Sacristy

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 10:25am. to 11:00am & 7:00pm to 7:20pm
First Friday before all Masses

Minimum 3 Months Notice

Parish Contact Numbers
Rev.Gerry Hanly P.P. 071 966 2218
Rev.John Coughlan C.C. 071 966 2012
Parish Office & Sacristy 071 966 2643 - 9:30am to 12:30pm.
24hr Emergency Number 086 826 2643
Parish e:mail

Deadline for Newsletter notices is 12.00 pm Thursday.
All notices to be left in to the Parish Office located at the Sacristy.



Columbanus, which means “Little Dove” comes from the Latin name Columba, which was a common name in Ireland during the 5th and 6th centuries.
While Columban came from a different era, he stands
forth as one of the truly great Christians of his day.
His writings and way of life reflect no doubt the culture and monastic tradition of his day. However, he has left us a roadmap to follow. He shows us how
to make a clear and irrevocable decision to follow Christ. Nothing stops him or separates him from following Christ. He does not compromise or water down the Gospel message. He is true to the Word of God and he does not shrink from challenging the pope, bishops and kings to be faithful to their
calling. His focus is on the Kingdom of God and its fulfilment and he sees our life on earth as a pilgrim journey, so we are not to allow ourselves be paralysed by the anxieties and problems of daily life but to look beyond them.
Columban shows us that what binds us together is love, expressed in a deep and
profound care for one another and for God’s creation. There is no life outside the love of God and the love for another and for the natural world, a love that is outward looking and expressed in care for the other.

Eucharistic Ministers For 27th / 28th June:
7.30 p.m. :   Keith Suffin, Pat Taylor, Michael Brennan, Maura Clarke 
9.30 a.m. :   Mary Lavin, Noney Lavin, Sean McKeon
11.30 a.m.:   Betty McDermott, Nora Mc Donagh, Mary Martin, Pamela Nutley

 7.30p.m. :   Theresa Feeney
 9:30 a.m.:   Michael Chapman
11.30a.m. :   Michael Devine

Cemetery Sunday:
There will be Mass and Blessing of Graves on Sunday next 28th June in Assylinn (Old) Graveyard at 3p.m. This is an opportunity to gather together and to remember our dead and also to renew our own faith in resurrection.

Taizé Prayer:
Taizé Prayer in Galilee Community, Tintagh, Boyle from 9 to 10p.m. on Friday 26th June.
Pope Francis' Encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si ('Praised Be' - the first words from Saint Francis of Assisi's famous poem "Canticle of the Creatures”) was released .By way of supporting engagement the Catholic News Service has produced a video on the history and significance of the church's role in promoting the stewardship of creation. It is called Catholicism and the challenge of ecology .

National Eucharistic Congress 2015: 

A National Eucharistic Congress will be held in Knock Shrine on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September 2015.


Masses this week:
Monday: 10.00a.m. Mary and Tom Cooney
Tuesday: 10.00a.m. John Joe, Winifred and John Jnr. McHugh
Wednesday: 10.00a.m. Dominic and Mary Keaveney
Thursday: 10.00a.m. Canon Kevin Dodd
Friday: 10.00a.m.
Friday: 7.30p.m. Florence Feely, The Deceased Members of Boyle Town Council, John Casey Jnr., Sean Mc Quaid Jnr. Albert and Margaret Woods, Barty Moran, Bridie Doherty, James and Lily Owens
Saturday: 10.00a.m.
Saturday Vigil: 7.30p.m. Joe Beirne
Sunday: 9.30a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday: 11.30a.m. The Deceased Members of the Mahon and Beattie Families

Blood Donors Needed:
The Blood Donor Clinic will be in St. Joseph’s Hall , Boyle on Wednesday 24th June from 4.30p.m. to 8p.m.. Please come and donate blood, the chances are you can save a life.

Roscommon Hospice :
Roscommon Hospice gratefully acknowledge receipt of €3,418 from National sunflower days for Hospice in the Boyle area.  Grateful thanks to the Hospice support group for their great help, the volunteers and to all who gave so generously to the cause of Hospice.  Your support is much appreciated.

Novena to St.Maria Goretti :
The Novena to St.Maria Goretti take place from Sunday 28th of June to Monday the 6th July, nightly with Mass and Novena prayers at 8pm. Confessions and Rosary from 7.30pm in the Church of the Assumption , Collooney.

AGM Of Roscommon Sports Partnership Limited:
Thursday, 9th July 2014, in Hannon’s Hotel, Athlone Road, Roscommon, at 8.00 p.m. All Sports Clubs, Active Retirement Groups and those interested in Sport and Leisure Activities are requested to attend or send a representative.

Offertory Collection amounted to €2254.79 on Sunday 14th June.


Family Life Centre, Boyle
Phone 071 9663000 - Charity No: 6942

This is a skill-based parenting programme that teaches parents practical and effective ways to increase their children’s positive behaviour, decrease negative behaviours and teach children appropriate alternative behaviours. For more information or to register your interest please contact  the Centre.  Venue: Boyle Youth & Family Support (Boyle NYP).
Cost: €15 to cover the cost of the book.

Suicide is devastating; its suddenness can leave many unanswered questions. One to one and group support available.  Please contact the Centre for more information.

WIDOWS & WIDOWERS SUPPORT GROUPThis is a support group for those who have been bereaved by the death of their spouse. Next meeting Thursday 11th June at 7.30pm and Every Second Thursday of the month  thereafter.  No booking necessary. Cost: Donation.

COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPYAppointments available Monday to Friday, day and evening.  The cost is on a sliding scale and is negotiable.
Please contact Marie on 0719663000 or Maura on 0719663841.
All our programmes and services are confidential and professional.

There is a clothing bank outside the Family Life Centre, Boyle which accepts
old clothes and bed linen, handbags, and shoes which are sent for recycling. 
Your support and donations would be very much appreciated as this helps
raise funds towards the Centres programmes and community work.

The Family & Community Resource Centre, (Family Life Centre, Boyle) offer a wide range of office and administration services at affordable rates.  If you require a large amount of photocopying/office services please call in advance to ensure availability.

Parent / Carer & Toddler group every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10am – 12.30pm.  Cost: Donation.

Here you will find an extensive library of books and CDs covering topics such as Parenting, Personal Growth, Relationship Care, Spirituality, Self Help and General Issues. There is also a Coffee Dock where you can help yourself to Teas/Coffees. You are welcome to use this room as time out for yourself, a waiting space for a bus/lift, to browse the library and/or get a cuppa.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Update 14th June


Sunday Mass Times
7:30pm Vigil of  Sunday & Eve of Holy Day
9:30am & 11:30am Sunday & Holy Days
Weekday Mass Times
Monday To Saturday 10:00am
Friday evenings only 7:30pm


Sundays at 12:30pm (two weeks notice required)
Application forms available from Sacristy

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 10:25am. to 11:00am & 7:00pm to 7:20pm
First Friday before all Masses

Minimum 3 Months Notice

Parish Contact Numbers
Rev.Gerry Hanly P.P. 071 966 2218
Rev.John Coughlan C.C. 071 966 2012
Parish Office & Sacristy 071 966 2643 - 9:30am to 12:30pm.
24hr Emergency Number 086 826 2643
Parish e:mail

Deadline for Newsletter notices is 12.00 pm Thursday.
All notices to be left in to the Parish Office located at the Sacristy.


Many if not all great undertakings begin in small and often hidden ways.
Seeds need the darkness, isolation and cover of the earth in order to
germinate. Therefore, for something to begin small, hidden, anonymous,  is an
advantage. It means it can develop away from publicity. There are no pressures.
No burden of expectations. It can develop at its own pace.
There is no hurry. Hurry ruins so many things.
Hence the importance of beginnings, of taking care of things in their beginning, of the small in the accomplishment of the great.
How did Christ begin his great work, the salvation of the world?
He began simply, quietly. No fanfare, No firework. No public launching.
He began by calling a few people - two in fact. It was as simple as that.
He began with personal contact and that is how his work developed.
It was passed on from person to person by word of month.
We shouldn’t be surprised at this. Things which begin with a splash often peter out. Whereas those which begin quietly put down deep roots, grow steadily, and survive to produce fruits that last.
So, if there is something which we want to do, let us not hesitate and think too much. Let us make a start, however small.
Let us take one step. Let us plant one seed.
Let us trust that if our cause is good, God will support us,and it will grow and prosper.

(Flor McCarthy).

Eucharistic Ministers For 20th / 21st June:
 7. 30 p.m. :  Pat Gannon, Breege Mulryan, Geraldine Mc Dermottroe, Martin Purcell
 9. 30 a.m. :  Sr. Mary Cuddy, Pauline Feely, Aidan Lavin
11. 30 a.m. :   Martin Dolan, Marie Kennedy, Ita Loahn, Eamon Mullen

Readers For 20th / 21st June:
 7.30p.m:     Donal J. Farrell
 9:30 a.m. :  John or Josephine Boylan
11.30a.m. :  Sr. Mary Devine

Fr Flanagan Mass - Ballymoe:
Bishop Jones will say Mass to celebrate the closing of the Cause for
Fr Edward Flanagan (founder of Boys Town) on Thursday 18th June at 7.00pm in St Croan’s Church, Ballymoe.

Corpus Christi Procession:A big thank you to all who helped out last Sunday with the Corpus Christi Procession. Thank you to the residents of Marian Road and Church View and to the Parish Pastoral Council for organising the Community Gathering afterwards at the Resource Centre.


The week's masses...

Monday: 10.00a.m. Michael Mulligan
Tuesday: 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday: 10.00a.m. Patrick and Bridget Queenan
Thursday: 10.00a.m.
Friday: 10.00a.m.
Friday: 7.30p.m. Delia and Michael Scanlon and The Deceased Family, John, Lena and Oliver McDermott, Bridget Doherty, Michael Finneran, The Deceased of the O’Beirne and O’Brian Families
Saturday: 10.00a.m. Nellie Connolly (Months Mind)
Saturday Vigil: 7.30p.m. Kathleen and Bernard Kearns
Sunday: 9.30a.m. Patty Purcell (1st Anniversary) Paddy Purcell
Sunday: 11.30a.m. Elizabeth Hannon


Family Life Centre, Boyle
Phone 071 9663000 - Charity No: 6942

This is a skill-based parenting programme that teaches parents practical and effective ways to increase their children’s positive behaviour, decrease negative behaviours and teach children appropriate alternative behaviours. For more information or to register your interest please contact  the Centre.  Venue: Boyle Youth & Family Support (Boyle NYP).
Cost: €15 to cover the cost of the book.

Suicide is devastating; its suddenness can leave many unanswered questions. One to one and group support available.  Please contact the Centre for more information.

WIDOWS & WIDOWERS SUPPORT GROUPThis is a support group for those who have been bereaved by the death of their spouse. Next meeting Thursday 11th June at 7.30pm and Every Second Thursday of the month  thereafter.  No booking necessary. Cost: Donation.

COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPYAppointments available Monday to Friday, day and evening.  The cost is on a sliding scale and is negotiable.
Please contact Marie on 0719663000 or Maura on 0719663841.
All our programmes and services are confidential and professional.

There is a clothing bank outside the Family Life Centre, Boyle which accepts
old clothes and bed linen, handbags, and shoes which are sent for recycling. 
Your support and donations would be very much appreciated as this helps
raise funds towards the Centres programmes and community work.

The Family & Community Resource Centre, (Family Life Centre, Boyle) offer a wide range of office and administration services at affordable rates.  If you require a large amount of photocopying/office services please call in advance to ensure availability.

Parent / Carer & Toddler group every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10am – 12.30pm.  Cost: Donation.

Here you will find an extensive library of books and CDs covering topics such as Parenting, Personal Growth, Relationship Care, Spirituality, Self Help and General Issues. There is also a Coffee Dock where you can help yourself to Teas/Coffees. You are welcome to use this room as time out for yourself, a waiting space for a bus/lift, to browse the library and/or get a cuppa.