Sunday Mass Times
7:30 p.m. Vigil of Sunday & Eve of Holy Day
9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Sunday & Holy days
Weekday Mass Times
Monday To Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Friday evenings only 7:30 p.m.
Sundays at 12:30 p.m. (two weeks notice required)
Application forms available from Sacristy
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 10:25 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. & 7:00p.m. to 7:20 p.m.
First Friday before all Masses
Minimum 3 Months Notice
Parish Contact Numbers
Rev. Gerry Hanly P.P. 971 966 2218
Rev. John Coughlan C.C.071 966 2012
Parish Office & Sacristy 071 966 2643 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
24hr Emergency Number 086 8262643
Parish email
Bishop’s Visit:
On Wednesday next 4th November, Bishop Kevin will come on Pastoral
Visitation to our Parish. Even though he has been here in the Parish a few times this is his first official visit and so an important one.
He will celebrate Mass here on Wednesday evening at 7.30p.m. (there will be no 10a.m. Mass on Wednesday) and we hope that as many as possible will attend, there will be a cuppa in the Resource Centre afterwards and an opportunity to meet him. He will also visit the Primary Schools, Nursing Homes. Some of the sick and housebound as well as meeting various groups such as Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Committee etc!
7:30 p.m. Alan Deane, Bridie Farrell, Pat Gannon, Breege Mulryan
9.30 a.m. Noney Lavin, Mary Lavin, Laura Tighe
11:30 a.m. Betty McDermott, Nora Mc Donagh, Pamela Nutley, Mary Regan
9:30 a.m. Michael Chapman
11.30a.m Sr. Mary Devine
Monday 2nd November is the Feast of All Souls– Mass Times—10a.m. and 7.30p.m.
First Friday: Friday 6th November is the First Friday of the month.
Confessions before all Masses.
Communion Calls:
Fr. Gerry will make his Communion Calls on Friday 6th November.
Fr. John Will make his Communion Calls on Friday 6th November.
Rosary In Cemetery For November:
The Rosary will be prayed at Plunkett Avenue Cemetery on Sunday next 8th
November at 11a.m. The Rosary will be prayed in Assylinn Cemetery (Old Cemetery) on Sunday next 8th November at 12.30p.m.
Mass of Remembrance:
The Vigil Mass on Saturday 7th November will be celebrated for all who died in our parish during the past year. Family members, relatives and friends of the deceased are especially invited to attend this annual Mass of Remembrance.
Run Walk n Roll:
A big Thank You to everyone who participated, supported and helped out in any way the recent Run Walk n Roll for Cancer Research. To date €4316.62 has been raised with some more funds to come. Thank You to each and everyone for your support this year once again. Look us up on our Facebook Run Walk n Roll for Cancer Research. Wristbands and T shirts still available contact Damian 086 394 2388.
Eucharistic Adorers
Would all Eucharistic Adorers who have not yet submitted contact details please get in touch with co coordinator for your day. These details may be needed in the event of wintery weather ahead. Coordinator phone numbers are in the Adoration Chapel and on Church notice board.
Motor Neuron Churchgate Collection amounted to €860.40. Thank you to all who helped out collecting on the gates and to all who so contributed so generously.
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting every Tuesday in The Committee Room here in St. Joseph’s Church at 8p.m.
2nd November
Norms For Indulgences At The Commemoration Of All Souls.
From 12 noon on 1st November until midnight on 2nd November all who have confessed , received Holy Communion and prayed for the Pope’s intentions (one Our Father and Hail Mary, or any other prayer of one’s choice) can gain one plenary indulgence by visiting a Church or oratory, and there reciting one our Father and the Apostles’ Creed.
This indulgence is applicable only to the souls of the departed.
Confessions may be made at any time within the week preceding or the week following 1st November. Holy Communion may be received on any day from 1st November to 8th November.
The faithful who visit a cemetery and pray for the dead may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the Holy souls on the usual conditions once per day fro 1st to 8th November. The condition mentioned above apply also for this.
Tawnytaskin Community Centre
Wednesday 4th November: A ‘Taste of Lough Key’ hosted by Lough Key Farm Shop in the Centre. This will be an evening to celebrate local artesian food, meet local producers, tasting of craft beer , food demonstrations, lots of local stalls and Christmas gift ideas. Tickets are €10 and include a glass of wine and tasting of samples. Contact 086 813 0005 or 085 161 8420.
Offertory Collection amounted to €2557.38 on Sunday 25th October. Thank you.
Masses will be offered ...
Monday All Souls Day 10.00 a.m.
7.30p.m. All Faithful Departed
All Faithful Departed
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Nora and Michael Carty
7.30p.m. Please note no 10 a.m. Mass
Patrick and Mary Higgins
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Peter Phelan
Friday 10.00 a.m.
7.30 pm Johnny Keaveney, Kathleen and Nicholas Feely, Brendan Coen, Tom Murren, Bridie Healy, Margaret and Michael Quinn and John McKenzie, Teresa Egan and Claire Fleming, Liam Cahill
Saturday 10.00a.m.
Vigil 7.30p.m. All Faithful Departed
Sunday 9.30a.m. All Faithful Departed
11.30a.m. All Faithful Departed
Family Life Centre, Boyle
Phone 071 9663000 - Charity No: 6942 -
e-mail: -
PAEDIATRIC FIRST AID: Tuesday 3rd & Thursday 5th November 6pm-9.45pm. Booking essential. Cost €40
Trainer Michelle O’Farrell, SAS.
BABY MASSAGE : November 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd at 10.30am. For more information or to book a place please contact the Centre.
CHILDSPLAY : Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10am-12.30pm. Childsplay is a parent/carer and baby/toddler Group. Cost €2 or donation. All welcome. New Mums group Friday mornings
WHAT IS COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY : Therapeutic Support for Families, Adolescents, Couples and Individuals. The cost is on a sliding
scale and is negotiable. Please contact Marie on 0719663000 or Maura on 0719663841.
All our programmes and services are confidential and professional.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT : Tuesday 27th October at 8.30pm for 6 weeks for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Booking essential.
NOVEMBER MASS FOR THE DEAD : Friday 13th November at 8pm. Booking advised.
SUPPORT FOR THE SUICIDE BEREAVED : Monday November 9th at 8pm.
Facilitator: Marie Brennan MIAHIP MIAPPC Cost: Donation. Booking advisable.
WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS SUPPORT GROUP : November 12th 7.30pm-9pm.
No booking necessary.
DREAMS…SOURCES OF WISDOM WORKSHOP : Saturday November 7th, 10am-4.30pm. Presenter: Kathleen Duffy. Booking essential. Cost: €60
November 21st & 22nd 10am- 4.30pm each day. Facilitated by Cate Heffernan.
Booking essential. Cost: €130
SEWING CLASSES FOR EVERYONE : Beginners Class – Basic Sewing alterations & repairs – Beginners dressmaking course. For more information or to register your interest please contact the Centre. Dates to be arranged.
PILATES Tuesday mornings at 10.30am with Oliver Nevin.
YOGA Wednesday mornings at 11am with Liz Dwyer.
Administration services at the Centre, photocopying, binding, scanning etc.
For further information on any of our services please contact the Centre.