Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July Update

Mass Intentions For Week Beginning Sunday 5th July

Sunday: 9.30a.m.People of the Parish
Sunday: 11.30a.m. Paddy and Molly Mullaney
Monday: 10.00a.m. Gus Quinn, Irene Murren
Tuesday: 10.00a.m. The Deceased Members of the Callery Family
Wednesday: 10.00a.m.
Thursday: 10.00a.m.
Friday: 10.00a.m. John Rock
Friday: 7.30p.m.  Mary and Patrick Gallagher, Patrick (Pa) Simon, The Deceased Members of the Mahon and Beattie Families, Pat and Rita Killalea, Michael Gerard Beirne
Saturday: 10.00a.m.
Saturday Vigil: 7.30p.m. Tim and David Lynch

Mass Intentions For Week Beginning Sunday 12th July 

Sunday:  9.30a.m. Molly Furey (1st Anniversary) Frank Furey
Sunday: 11.30a.m. Mai Boisseau
Monday: 10.00a.m. Mary Darcy
Tuesday: 10.00a.m Agnes and Patrick Bredin
Wednesday: 10.00a.m. May, Jack and Francis Kennedy
Thursday: 10.00a.m. Malachy Beirne (1st Anniversary)
Friday: 10.00a.m. Ian Beirne
Friday: 7.30p.m. Patrick J and Elizabeth Egan, Ursula and  Seamus Beirne, Jim O’Boyle, Michael and Agnes McCrann, Monica Scanlon, Kevin Nulty, Niamh Nangle
Saturday: 10.00a.m.
Saturday Vigil: 7.30p.m. Jack, May and Robert Nally

Mass Intentions For Week Beginning Sunday 19th July

Sunday: 9.30a.m People of the Parish
Sunday: 11.30a.m. Chris O’ Sullivan
Monday: 10.00a.m. Barry Mullaney
Tuesday: 10.00a.m. Brendan McDermott
Wednesday: 10.00a.m. Michael Joe and Mary Casey
Thursday: 10.00a.m. Monica Scanlon
Friday: 10.00a.m. Tom Gallagher
Friday: 7.30p.m. Paddy, Annie, Dudley, Jim and Stephen Sharkey, Francie Coen, Dan Sheridan, James, Sheila and Irene Murren, Tom Kearney, Tom Wynne          
Saturday: 10.00a.m. John Lavin (Months Mind)
Saturday Vigil: 7.30p.m. Jimmy and Patrick Feely and The Deceased Family Members

Mass Intentions For Week Beginning Sunday 26th July
Sunday: 9.30a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday: 11.30a.m. Bernard Mc Crann
Monday: 10.00a.m. Nellie and Paddy Cunningham
Tuesday: 10.00a.m. John and Margaret Nicholson
Wednesday: 10.00a.m. Mary Kate and Luke Finn
Thursday: 10.00a.m. Breda Dodd
Friday: 10.00a.m. The Deceased Members of the Suffin Family
Friday: 7.30p.m. Joe Gaffney, John Breen, Donal Brown, John and Margaret Bambrick, Sr. Miriam Bambrick, Dan Sheridan
Saturday: 10.00a.m. John Joe Nerney (Months Mind)
Saturday Vigil: 7.30p.m. Peter, Dora and Michael Durr
Sunday: 9.30a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday: 11.30a.m. Paul Beirne

Eucharistic Ministers: Rotas  for July and August for all Eucharistic Ministers are available for collection in the Sacristy. Please note there will be no text messages during July and August.

Down and Conor Cursillo Peace Pilgrimage: The Annual Walk will take place on Friday 17th July. The group will be here for the 7.30p.m. Mass and will be staying overnight and will be looking for host families. If you are willing to volunteer please leave your name into the Sacristy.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival: Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary from Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th August 2015. For young people aged 16 to 35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic Faith and meet many new people, with over 1000 young people from all corners of Ireland attending last year. The festival is donation only. Free buses available from all around Ireland. For more info and to book online, see or phone 01 675 3690.

The Priory Institute: Theology Matters! Join our enthusiastic student community and study theology from home or in class. Application deadline is 21st September 2015.
Phone 01 404 8124 or email

Honda 50 Run: along with other models of bikes on Sunday 26th July at Tawnytaskin Community Centre, Boyle. Entries taken at the Centre from 10.30a.m. (€20 per entry). The Run will depart from the Centre at approx. 12 noon and will take approx. 3 to 4 hours with stops along the way.
A meal will be served later in the Centre. A raffle will take place on the day. Please come along to the Centre to view all the Bikes and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. All enquires to Ann on 086 813 0005.

Goodbye and Good Luck: After many years of dedicated service to The Family Life Centre , the Parishes of Boyle and Ardcarne Fr. Brian moves to new pastures. We wish him well and God’s Blessing in his new Ministry.