Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Day 2015

A Christmas Thought
Every  year at this time
we are asked to escape from the tumult
of our hearts to put aside
our weighty cares
and leave our wearisome toil,
to enter for a while
into the inner chamber of our souls,
to listen to God’s Word.
The Word—calling us through  the
mist of ignorance and apathy to
Be silent—listen to the sound of stillness,
and to see in the Child born of Mary
the word who became flesh.                     (Cardinal Basil Hume)

May the spirit of Christmas which is Peace
The gladness of Christmas which is Hope
The heart of Christmas which is Love
Fill our hearts and homes this Christmas

Mass Intentions For Week Beginning Monday 28th December
Monday  10:00 a.m. Marianne Funke
Tuesday  10:00 a.m. Barbara Young
Wednesday  10.00 a.m.  Basil Madden
Thursday  10:00 a.m. Martin McLoughlin
Friday 12 noon New Years Day
Saturday 10:00 a.m. Brendan Layden (Months Mind)
Saturday Vigil 7:30 p.m. Michael O’ Reilly
Sunday 9:30 a.m. People of the Parish
11:30 a.m. Patrick, William and Agnes Keville

Mass Intentions For Week Beginning Monday 4th January 2016
Monday  10.00 a.m.   Thomas Halligan                  
Tuesday  10:00 a.m.     
Tuesday Vigil  7.30p.m. Joe Masterson
Wednesday  9.30a.m.  Francis and Bridget Lavin and The Deceased Family Members
Wednesday 11.30a.m. Maura Henry (1st Anniversary)
Thursday 10:00 a.m. Kathleen Gardiner
Friday 10.00 a.m. Paddy Conlon
Friday 7:30 p.m. Brian Egan, Sean McGuinn, Corney Cox, Sally Gaffney, Jimmy Glancy, Philomena & Eddie Flanagan, Molly Roche, Margaret Nevin
Saturday 10:00 a.m. P.J. Daly (Months Mind)
Saturday Vigil 7:30 p.m. Fr. Oliver, Brigid and Bernard Mc Donagh
Sunday 9:30 a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday 11:30 a.m. Fr Michael Gethins

Eucharistic Ministers for Sunday 27th December
9:30 a.m.:   Pauline Feely, Miriam Mc Gee, Aidan Lavin
11:30 a.m.:  Kathleen Candon, Kathleen Cregg, Martin Dolan, Marie Kennedy

Readers For Sunday 27th December
9:30 a.m. Bernie Kemple
11.30a.m. Michael Devine

Eucharistic Minsters For 2nd / 3rd  January
7:30 p.m.:  Breege Mulryan, Geraldine Mc Dermottroe, Martin Purcell, Pat Taylor
9:30 a.m.:  Ciaran O’ Connor, Sean McKeon, Kathleen Brennan
11:30 a.m.: Eamon Mullen, Betty McDermott, Nora McDonagh, Pamela Nutley

Readers For 2nd / 3rd  January
7.30 p.m. Donal J. Farrell
9:30 a.m. Marie McNamara
11.30a.m. Dermot Devine

Eucharistic Minsters For 5th / 6th January
7:30 p.m.: Michael Brennan, Maura Clarke, Mary Clifford, Alan Deane
9:30 a.m.: Mary Lavin, Noney Lavin, Teresa Sweeney
11:30 a.m.: Mary Martin, Mary Regan, Brian Scanlon, Keith Suffin

Readers For 5th / 6th January
7.30 p.m. Theresa Feeney
9:30 a.m. Maura O’Farrell

11.30a.m. Evelyn O’Donnell

May the birth of Jesus dispel all darkness,
May the compassion of Jesus embrace all hearts,
May the peace of Jesus inspire all minds,
May the presence of Jesus fill the earth,
and may the promise of God be fulfilled:
God, in us and with us, now and forever.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Update 20th December

Take Time to be Aware . . . Edward Hays
"Take time to be aware that in the very midst of our busy preparations for the celebration of Christ’s birth in ancient Bethlehem, Christ is reborn in the Bethlehem’s of our homes and daily lives. Take time, slow down, be still, be awake to the Divine Mystery that looks so common and so ordinary yet is wondrously present.
"An old abbot was fond of saying, ‘The devil is always the most active on the highest feast days.
“The supreme trick of Old Scratch is to have us so busy decorating, preparing food, practicing music and cleaning in preparation for the feast of Christmas that we actually miss the coming of Christ. Hurt feelings, anger, impatience, injured egos — the list of clouds that busyness creates to blind us to the birth can be long, but it is familiar to us all."

Eucharistic Minsters For Christmas Day
   9:30 p.m.  Nora McDonagh, Mary Clifford, Alan Deane, Bridie Farrell,
                     Pat Gannon
   9.30 a.m.   Laura Tighe, Sr. Mary Cuddy, Catherine Davitt, Carmel Keenan
11:30 a.m.    Mary Regan, Brian Scanlon, Francis Walsh, Marie Wynne,
                     Teresa Carty
New Eucharistic Ministers Rota available from the Sacristy.

Readers For  Christmas Day
    9:30 a.m.   Kathleen Hanmore
  11.30a.m.     Sr. Mary Devine

Christmas Penitential Service:
Christmas Penitential Service will be held here in St. Joseph’s Church on today
Sunday 20th December at 7p.m.

Christmas Mass Times:
Christmas Eve at 9.30p.m.
Christmas Day at 9.30a.m. and 11.30a.m.
Saturday 26th  December Mass at 12 noon.
Please note the will be no 7.30p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday 26th December
Sunday 27th December : 9.30a.m. and 11.30a.m.

Area Collectors:
Area Collectors are kindly asked to collect envelopes for Christmas
Collection and calendars after all Masses this weekend.

Confessions on Christmas Eve from 2.30p.m to 3.30p.m.

Communion Calls:
Fr. Gerry will make his Communion Calls on Wednesday 23rd December.
Fr. John will make his Communion Calls on Wednesday 23rd December.

Offertory Collection amounted to € 2509.10 on Sunday 13th December.

Masses will be offered as follows:
Monday 10.00 a.m. Jimmy Mullen
Tuesday 10.00a.m.Margaret and Martin Lee, Rita Gawley and Phyllis Holder
Wednesday 10.00a.m. Michael Coen (Snr.) (1st Anniversary)
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 9.30p.m. Des Kelly
Christmas Eve
9. 30 a.m.
11.30 a.m. Christmas Day
Saturday 12 noon Elizabeth and Patrick Egan
Sunday 9.30a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday 11.30a.m. Michael and Mary Hanmore

Please note there will be 7.30 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday 26th December

Thank You:The total collected at the Ecumenical Carol Service for Hospice was €845.  The Boyle Support Group thank everyone for their generosity.

Perpetual Adoration in the Convent Chapel will close from Thursday 24th  December at 9a.m. until Friday January 1st 2016 at 9a.m.

A 5k Fun Run/Walk in Lough Key Forest Park on Sunday 27/12/2015 at 2pm in Aid of Children with Autism. Rapid Prompting Method Ireland Ltd., is a charity supporting Education and Communication for those living with Autism. Registration from 1.30pm. For further information contact Majella on 086 -8123594

Roscommon Leader Partnership : in conjunction with the Sustainability Energy Authority of Ireland are running a Warmer Homes Scheme. This project will be FREE to individuals who are in receipt of either Fuel Allowance or Family Income Supplement (FIS) or Jobseeker’s Allowance (for more than 6 months with a child/ren under 7), are a private home owner and the house was built before 2006. Only homes that have NOT received works can apply for this project. If you are interested please contact us on 090-6630252 for an application form.

Upcoming Workshop for Children’s Choirs
Workshop taking place on Saturday, 30 th January from 11:30 to 16:00 at Mervue Church in Galway. The workshop is open to any age group between the ages of 8 and 15 approx., and will be led by Dr. Ite O’Donovan, the musical director of the Lassus Scholars, and the National President of the Irish Federation of Pueri Cantores. The day will be very informal and open to family and friends. It will be also self-funded so participating singers may be asked to make a small donation of Є3 towards expenses incurred [Є5 per family]. Contact by email: goodshepherdcuracy@gmail.com  

Monday, December 14, 2015

Update 14th December

Year of Mercy December 8th 2015 to November 20th 2016
Mercy …. Is the wellspring of joy, serenity and peace.
                 Our salvation depends on it.
Mercy ....  Is the word that reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity.
Mercy …. Is the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of their brothers and sisters on the path of life.
Mercy …. Is the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.

Eucharistic Minsters next Weekend 19th / 20th December:
  7:30 p.m.   Keith Suffin, Pat Taylor, Michael Brennan, Maura Clarke
   9.30 a.m.   Kathleen Brennan, Andrew Carr, Breege Donoghue
11:30 a.m.   Eamon Mullen, Betty McDermott, Nora Mc Donagh, Pamela Nutley

Readers next weekend 19th / 20th December:
   7.30 p.m      Carol Hickey
   9:30 a.m.    Peggy Feely
 11.30a.m.     Danny Tiernan

Area Collectors:
Envelopes for Christmas Collection  and Calendars will be available from the Sacristy from Tuesday 15th December should any Collector wish to collect them early.
They will be also be available after all Masses next weekend December 19th and 20th

Christmas Penitential Service:
Christmas Penitential Service will be held here in St. Joseph’s Church on Sunday next 20th December at 7p.m.

St. Vincent de Paul:
Our annual collection to replenish the funds of our local conference will take place at all Church doors at all Masses this weekend 12th and 13th December.

Ecumenical Carol Service:
The Annual Ecumenical Carol Service will be held here in St. Joseph’s Church on Thursday 17th December a 8p.m.

Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed in the Church every morning after 10a.m. Mass throughout the Year of Mercy. All welcome.

Christmas Reflection:
Christmas Reflection at Galilee Community, Tintagh, Boyle on Thursday 17th December at 8p.m.

Boyle Musical Society:
Boyle Musical Society will sing at the Vigil Mass on Saturday next 19th December .

St. Vincent de Paul: Contact Phone Number—087-9292627.

Masses will be offered as follows:
• Monday 10.00 a.m. Michael McDermott
 Tuesday 10.00a.m. Michael Byrne
 Wednesday 10.00a.m. Paddy McGee
 Thursday 10.00 a.m. Cathal Higgins
 Friday 10.00 a.m.
 Friday  7.30p.m. Bridget Cummins, Michael Corcoran and The Deceased Family Members, Phil, Mary and Billy Casey, Willie and Patricia Daly and The Deceased Family Members, Patrick (Pa) Simon, Pat and Kate Langan, Ester (Snr.) James and Ester (Jnr.) Spellman
 Saturday 10.00a.m.
 Saturday Vigil 7.30p.m. James and Delia O’ Gara and Mona Beirne
 Sunday 9.30a.m. People of the Parish
 Sunday 11.30a.m. Mary Henry, Mary Powell, James and Annie Doddy

Grange National School Christmas Concert:
Grange National School are holding  their Christmas Concert on Thursday 17th December at 7p.m. This year the theme is ‘White Christmas’. All are welcome to attend.

A 5k Fun Run/Walk in Lough Key Forest Park on Sunday 27/12/2015 @ 2pm in aid of Children with Autism. Rapid Prompting Method Ireland Ltd., is a charity supporting Education and Communication for those living with Autism. Registration from 1.30pm. For further information contact Majella on 086 -8123594

Airport Transport and 7 nights B&B €279   .Tel.  01 4434510 or email reservations@med-irishcentre.com. Call for flight info.

Santatown Riverstown 2015:
The Annual Magical Winter Wonderland Show  takes place on
Saturday 12th December 3.00pm, Sunday 13th December 3.00pm & 5.00pm
Saturday 19th December 3.00pm, Sunday 20th December 3.00om & 5.00pm
The Show includes a pantomime a visit to Santa and some surprise guests
Pre-booking for the shows is essential as places fill up quickly. BOOKING HOTLINE 10 am – 9 pm Daily 071 9167013. Free Car Parking and Restaurant on Site.

Offertory Collection amounted to € 2512.97 on Sunday 6th December.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Update 5th December

Today’s reading from the prophet Baruch contains some very consoling lines. Among these is an invitation to a city to stand tall again: 
‘Arise, O Jerusalem, stand upon the height; look toward the east, and see your children gathered from west to east ... rejoicing that God has remembered them’. These words take flesh at key moments in our lives: when we are forgiven for some wrongdoing; when the alcoholic manages to stay off the drink for yet another week; when we complete our last bout of chemotherapy and all is well; when we get through our final exams; 
when our emigrant children return safely home … (Salvador Ryan)

7:30 p.m.   Maura Clarke, Mary Clifford, Alan Deane, Bridie Farrell
9.30 a.m.   Noney Lavin, Mary Lavin, Teresa Sweeney
11:30 a.m.   Francis Walsh, Marie Wynne, Teresa Carty, Kathleen Candon

9:30 a.m. John / Josephine Boylan
11.30a.m. Evelyn O’ Donnell

7:30 p.m. Pat Gannon, Breege Mulryan, Geraldine Mc Dermottroe, Martin Purcell
9.30 a.m. Sean McKeon, Miriam McGee, Ciaran O’ Connor
11:30 a.m. Kathleen Cregg, Martin Dolan, Marie Kennedy, Ita Lohan

9:30 a.m. Michael Chapman
11.30a.m. Children’s Mass

Year of Mercy:
Pope Francis has declared a Year of  Mercy from the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (2015) to the Feast of Christ the King (2016) . It’s an opportunity for all of us to receive the Lord’s Mercy and Compassion.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception is Tuesday 8th December: 
Mass Times : 7.30p.m. Vigil on Monday 7th December and on Tuesday 8th December 9.30a.m.and 11.30a.m.

Parish Pastoral Council:
A meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Tuesday 8th December at 8p.m. in St. Joseph’s Resource Centre.

Volunteers For Ministry:
Last weekend we asked for volunteers for various ministries in the parish. Hopefully you gave it serious thought. There are still some application forms at the main door of the Church.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society:
A meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will be held on Wednesday 9th December after the 10a.m. Mass.
St. Vincent de Paul:
Our annual collection to replenish the funds of our local conference will take place at all Church doors at all Masses on next weekend December 12th and 13th.

Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed in the Church every morning after 10a.m. Mass throughout the Year of Mercy. All welcome.

Mass Offerings for the week
Monday Vigil 10.00 a.m.
Mondfay 7.30p.m. Michael and Mary Gavican, Joe Shannon
Tuesday 9.30 a.m. ---
Tuesday 11.30a.m. James, Margaret and Willie Clarke, Nora and Frank Hughes
Wednesday 10.00a.m. Eileen Mc Dermott and The Deceased Members of the McDermott Family
Thursday 10.00 a.m. ---
Friday 10.00 a.m. ---
Friday 7.30pm Joe Regan, Brian, Tom, and Mary Ann Battles and The Deceased Members of the Battles, Williams and Collins Family, John Joe McKenna and The Deceased Family Members, Tom and Mae Cawley, Bertie and Eileen Devine, Ita, Elizabeth , Michael and Carmel McGuire
Saturday Vigil 7.30p.m. Paddy and Lily McKeon
Sunday  9.30a.m. Brendan Mc Quillan (1st Anniversary)
Sunday 11.30a.m. Nora and Martin Cryan and The Deceased Members of The Cryan Family

Dates For Your Diary:
• Abbey Community College will sing at the 7.30p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday 13th December.
• Boyle Musical Society will sing at the 7.30p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday 19th December.
• Ecumenical Carol Service at 8p.m. on  Thursday 17th December in St. Joseph’s Church.
• Penitential S ervice on Sunday 20th December at 7p.m.  in St. Joseph’s Church.

Thank You from the Irish Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children:
The Society extends thanks to everyone who supported and helped with the Annual Church Gate Collection last weekend. Together we raised £828.15.

Grange Text Alert: is currently working on setting up a Text Alert Service in the Grange area. This service is at the moment in operation in other areas and nearby parishes and has proven to be of great benefit. A member of our community Alert Group will explain all details of this service to you when they call to your door in the coming weeks.

Boyle Arts Festival and Fregoli to present Pleasure Ground :on December 12th
Fregoli Theatre, in association with Boyle Arts Festival are delighted to bring the play Pleasure Ground  home to Boyle - which is of course also home town to the writer, 
Jarlath Tivnan and the director Maria Tivnan.
Pleasure Ground will be performed in St. Joseph’s Hall, Boyle on next Saturday December 12th at 8pm. Tickets priced €12 and €10 are available now from Taylors Jewellers, Bridge Street,  Únabhán Tourism, King House, Boyle and on www.eventbrite.ie This production is not suitable for children under 16.

Offertory Collection amounted to €2397.24 on Sunday 29th November.