Advent Volunteering
We begin today the Liturgical Year following in the footsteps of Christ.
On this journey we are not spectators but participants and that is more demanding.
Christian Ministry is about the needs of the Christian Community and has its roots in the Ministry of Christ and our baptism.
We are grateful to the many people who give their time and talents to our parish community, there is always need for more volunteers, so do give it some serious thought.
There are forms available on the seats or at the doors. Please give it thought and fill in the application form.
7:30 p.m. Martin Purcell, Keith Suffin, Pat Taylor, Michael Brennan,
9.30 a.m. Laura Tighe, Carmel Keenan, Aidan Lavin
11:30 a.m. Nora McDonagh, Pamela Nutley, Mary Regan, Brian Scanlon
New Rota available from the Sacristy
9:30 a.m. MAURA O’ FARRELL
11.30a.m NOEL SCALLY
First Friday: Friday 4th December is the First Friday of the month.
Confessions before all Masses.
Communion Calls:
Fr. Gerry will make his Communion Calls on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th December.
Fr. John will make his Communion Calls on Friday 4th December.
Diocesan Priesthood :
Be on the watch! Allow God to lead you in the ways of truth and justice. How is God calling you to serve? (Jer.33:14-16) If you think God is calling you to diocesan priesthood, call Fr. Jim Murray, 071-9162136 or Fr. John Coughlan at 071-
96-62012 or email for further information.
Advent Retreat:
Advent Retreat in Galilee Community on Saturday 5th December from 10.30a.m. to 4.30p.m. Presenter : Anne Loughman. ‘Theme Time of Waiting in Hope’. Light lunch of soup and brown bread. Phone 071-9664101 or 085-8837226. Cost €20.
‘The Way Of Gentleness’ - Personal enrichment journey for Advent:
Presenter : Fr. Niall Ahern in Galilee Community on Tuesdays December 1st, 8th and 15th . Time 8 to 9p.m.
Opening of the Holy Door
Bishop Kevin will open the Holy Door for the Year of Mercy at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday 13th December prior to 12 noon Mass.
Prayer Meeting
Every Tuesday in The Committee Room here in St. Joseph’s Church at 8p.m.
Masses will be offered this week as follows:
Monday 10.00 a.m. William and Winifred Flaherty
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. The Deceased Members of the Leydon Family
Wednesday 10.00a.m. Paul Christopher McPherson
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Bridget and Con Tansey and The Deceased Family
Friday 10.00 a.m. ---
7.30 pm Peter and Veronica Harrington, Jim Toman Carmel, Ita, Michael and Elizabeth McGuire, Tom and Alice O’Dowd, John Cunningham, Thomas and Maureen Egan, John and Mary Sheerin
Saturday 10.00a.m. Mary McDermott (Months Mind)
Saturday Vigil 7.30p.m. Batty Keaveney
Sunday 9.30a.m. Paddy McDermott ( 1st Anniversary)
Sunday 11.30a.m. Molly and John Shanley
Sale of Works at Abbey Haven Nursing Home:
Abbey Haven Care Centre and Nursing Home, Carrick Road, Boyle will hold a Sale of Work of the Residents beautiful handmade Art & Craft Products on Saturday 5th December 2015 starting at 11 O’ clock. The Sale of Work is a Fundraising Event for the Residents Comfort Fund. Refreshments, Homemade Cakes, Biscuits and Christmas Baking plus tickets for our In-house Christmas Hampers draw will also be on sale. All monies raised will provide additional day trips, and enhance our current activities programme. We would love if you could join us on the day. You might pick up that special handmade gift for Christmas. All Welcome
Tawnytaskin Community Centre:
Wednesday December 9th:
Christmas flower and wreath arranging and gift ideas for your Christmas presents.
Delivered as always by our own local florist Angela East, Time 8p.m. Refreshments afterwards. Admission €5 and ticket are available by contacting 086-8130005 or 085-1618420.
Christmas Craft Fair & Markets
King House and grounds on Friday 4th Dec 6pm to 10pm & Sat 5th Dec 10am to 5pm - all welcome
Art &Craft Fair
Sat 5th December. 12-3pm, Cleen Hall, Knockvicar.
Refreshments, Local Crafts and Preloved Gifts for Sale. Admission Free.
Call 0851592761 to book a table Tables €5
Order of Malta says thank you for your generous support in their recent Church Gate Collection.
Offertory Collection amounted to € 2346.49 on Sunday 22nd November.