Monday, October 12, 2015

Update 12th October


A wise man once wrote for his gravestone; ‘As I am now, you soon shall be, so be content to follow me.’
When he died a wiser one taped a note to it that read: ‘To follow you I’m content, until I know which way you went’ ah! That’s wisdom.
Wisdom is applying truth to the art of living. The truth comes free in the word of God but applying it comes at a price. He abandons Jesus and departs poorer than when he came even though his wealth remains intact.
Not only does he leave the poorer, he leaves grieving.
Instinctively he knows that there’s more to his life than wealth.
He knows it, yet still won’t change. He wants wisdom; is offered it, but thinks the price is too high. Change wealth to anything else we long for in the secret of our heart – anything that blocks our way to God.
That’s the spot God’s word needs to hit, to separate us from it so that we come to possess wisdom because we’ve allowed God to possess us.    (Fr. Tom Cahill)

7:30 p.m. Mary Clifford, Alan Deane, Bridie Farrell, Pat Gannon
9.30 a.m. Teresa Sweeney, Kathleen Brennan, Andrew Carr
11:30 a.m. Terry Rooney, Brian Scanlon, Francis Walsh, Marie Wynne

7:30 p.m. Carol Hickey
9:30 a.m. Michael Chapman
11.30a.m. Noel Scally

Parish Pastoral Council:
A meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Tuesday 13th October at 8p.m. in St. Joseph’s Resource Centre.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society:
A meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society will be held on Wednesday 14th October after the 10a.m. Mass.

Mission Sunday:
Sunday next 18th October is Mission Sunday. Your continuing prayers and generosity allow Missionaries make a difference that transforms peoples’ lives.

‘Do This In Memory Programme’
The children who wish to receive their First Penance and First Holy Communion this year will be enrolled at the 11.30a.m. Mass next Sunday 18th October.

Roscommon Leader  Partnership 's Linda Sice is hosting a meeting on Monday 12th October at 3.30pm in the Citizens Advice Centre, upstairs. Anyone who had previously attended the Boyle Age Friendly Town meetings where discussions around older people's issues and home and personal security were discussed would be especially welcome.  

S.P.C.A. Roscommon Branch Cake Sale:
A cake sale will take place after all Masses next Sunday 18th October  in St. Joseph’s Resource Centre. All proceeds go to S.P.C.C Roscommon Branch.

Boyle Church of Ireland:
Supper Social will be held in The Saddler’s Inn on Friday 16th October. Doors open at 9p.m. Music by Sean Brennan. Admission €10.

Boyle Arts Festival in Association with Fregoli Theatre are delighted to bring the play Pleasure Ground  home to Boyle on December 12th. Written by Jarlath Tivnan and directed by Maria Tivnan, Pleasure Ground is based on ideas inspired by the decline of a typical rural Irish town. The play is based around the town of Boyle, inspired by its playground, which is actually called the Pleasure Ground. Pleasure Ground will be performed in St. Joseph’s Hall, Boyle on Saturday December 12th at 8pm.
Tickets priced €12 and €10 are on sale now from Taylors Jewellers, Bridge Street,  Únabhán Tourism, King House, Boyle and on

Masses will be offered as follows:

Monday 10.00 a.m. Francis Geelan
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Eddie and Kathleen McDermottroe
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Rosaleen Moran
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Mass of Thanksgiving Harvest Festival Brothers of  Charity
Friday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 7.30 pm Eugene Duignan, Jim and Tracy Maughan, Teresa, Mick and Jim Corrigan (1st Anniversary) and The Deceased Members of the Corrigan and Casey Families, Christy Slein, Kate Horan
Saturday 10.00a.m. Rita Madden (Months Mind)
saturday Vigil 7.30p.m. Tom Appleby
Sunday 9.30a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday 11.30a.m. Tommy and Anne McGrath and The Deceased Family

Run Walk n Roll for Research:
The 20th Annual Boyle Fundraiser in aid of Cancer Research will take place in Boyle on today Sunday 11th October at 2pm.
Originally known as The Terry Fox Run in 1986 and rebranded in 2011 to Run Walk n Roll .. There will be a 20th anniversary wristband and Irish Cancer Society T-Shirt for all. Entry is €10 for adults and registration will take place in St Josephs Hall from 12.30 p.m. Concessions for children and families. For sponsorship cards or more details contact Damian 086 3942388. Please note change of time to 2p.m.

Boyle Arts Festival in Association with Fregoli Theatre are delighted to bring the play Pleasure Ground  home to Boyle on December 12th. Written by Jarlath Tivnan and directed by Maria Tivnan, Pleasure Ground is based on ideas inspired by the decline of a typical rural Irish town. The play is based around the town of Boyle, inspired by its playground, which is actually called the Pleasure Ground. Pleasure Ground will be performed in St. Joseph’s Hall, Boyle on Saturday December 12th at 8pm. Tickets priced €12 and €10 are on sale now from Taylors Jewellers, Únabhán ,King House, and on

Roscommon Safe Link: will host an open day at their offices in Elphin Street, Boyle on Wednesday 14th October in conjunction with Roscommon Social Inclusion Week 2015. This is a networking opportunity to meet others working locally and to gain valuable awareness and understanding of our work in County Roscommon and surrounding areas. Please drop in and say hello to us. Contact 071 966 4200.

Tawnytaskin Community Centre Calendar of Events:  
Sunday 25th October: Relaxation and pamper day including hand and back massage, a relaxation booth, essential oils and much more. This event is expected to fill the centre so come early to avail of free advice  and sample treatments. Admission is free the night.
Wednesday 4th November: A ‘Taste of Lough Key’ hosted by Lough Key Farm Shop in the Centre. This will be an evening to celebrate local artisan food, meet local producers, tasting of craft beer, food demonstrations and Christmas gift ideas. Tickets are €10 and include a glass of wine and tasting of samples. Contact Ann on 086 813 0005.

Offertory Collection amounted to €3008.53 on Sunday 4th October. Thank you.

Sunday Mass Times
7:30 p.m. Vigil of  Sunday & Eve of Holy Day
9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Sunday & Holy days

Weekday Mass Times
Monday To Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Friday evenings only 7:30 p.m.

Sundays at 12:30 p.m. (two weeks notice required)
Application forms available from Sacristy

Saturday 10:25 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. & 7:00p.m. to 7:20 p.m.
First Friday before all Masses

Minimum 3 Months Notice

Parish Contact Numbers
Rev. Gerry Hanly P.P. 966 2218
Rev. John Coughlan C.C. 966 2012
Parish Office & Sacristy 9662 643 open 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
24hr Emergency Number 086 826 2643

Parish e:mail

Family Life Centre, Boyle
Phone 071 9663000 - Charity No: 6942

Induction night Wednesday 21st October at 7pm. Starts Wednesday 28th October 7pm-8pm.
Places limited. Booking essential.

PILATES Tuesday mornings at 10.30am with Oliver Nevin. Cost €10 each session.

YOGA Wednesday mornings at 11am with Liz Dwyer. Cost €10 each session. 

Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10am-12.30pm.  Childsplay is a parent/carer and
 baby/toddler Group. Cost €2 or donation.  All welcome. New Mums group Friday mornings10.30am-12.30pm. Bazz Art for toddlers at Childsplay:Next session Tuesday October 13th Let your toddler explore their creativity and enjoy story time among their friends with help from Bazz.  Cost is included in Childsplay: Tuesday October 13th at 10am sharp-11am.

Therapeutic Support for Families, Adolescents, Couples and Individuals. The cost is on a sliding scale and is negotiable. Please contact Marie on 071 966 3000 or Maura on 071 966 3841. All our programmes and services are confidential and professional.

Tuesday 27th October at 8.30pm for 6 weeks for those grieving the loss of a loved one.
Booking essential.

This is a support group for those who have been bereaved by the death of their spouse.
Thursday 8th October 7.30pm-9pm.  No booking necessary.

When we work with the Wisdom of our Dreams, we ensure overall wellbeing for our lives.
Saturday November 7th, 10am-4.30pm. Presenter: Kathleen Duffy. Booking essential. Cost: €60

November 21st & 22nd 10am- 4.30pm each day.  Facilitated by Cate Heffernan.
Introducing techniques that help shift the couple from a stuck place into better understanding ofself and other through differentiation and improved communication.  Booking essential.  Cost: €130  

Information evening with John Farran  - Talk on Public Speaking techniques
Friday October 23rd 7.30pm-8.30pm.  Cost: Free All Welcome.

Our Autumn/Winter brochure is now available. Please pick up a copy.
Administration services at the Centre, photocopying, binding, scanning etc.
For further information on any of our services please contact the Centre.


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